Among Us Escape is an exciting and addictive online game that offers a unique way to spend your free time. ⚽️ You and your crew have managed to escape from a space station, but all is not as it seems. There's ⚽️ an impostor among you, or maybe more than one. Your mission is to save the shuttle by completing various tasks ⚽️ while keeping an eye out for the impostor, who could strike at any moment. If you come across a dead ⚽️ body, it's important to report it to the rest of the crew. The impostors will try to sabotage the shuttle, ⚽️ so every second counts. Between rounds, there's a poll where you can voice your suspicions about who the impostor might ⚽️ be. Among Us Escape guarantees a rollercoaster of emotions and a whole lot of fun!
Games like Among Us Escape
Space Station ⚽️ Survival : A game of survival and strategy set in a space station. Like Among Us Escape, you must identify ⚽️ the impostor among the crew.
Impostor Hunt : This game also features an impostor among the crew, but with a twist ⚽️ - the crew are hunters trying to catch the impostor.
Galaxy Escape: A space-themed escape game where you must solve puzzles ⚽️ to save your spaceship from impending doom.
Rank Number | Rank Name | Minimum Total Points |
44 | Sundae Shop Manager | 148,350 |
45 | Dessert Legend | 155,100 |
46 | Freezeria Master! | 162,000 |
47+ | Better Than Papa! | +7,050 (increases by 150 each rank) |